Telekom Night Run 26. 09. 2016 · Of course, we couldn't miss this year's Bratislava Night Run. Almost 4500 ran the 10km track, with 20 runners from Sygic :). Recommended articles Thumbs up for 26 colleagues who ran the ČSOB Marathon 04. 04. 2016 There were more than 11 000 runners from 39 countries registered at the 11th ČSOB Marathon, organized in Bratislava, Slovakia. The weather was beautiful - close-to-perfect running conditions for our 26 runners, competing in 4 categories. 10th Innovation Day 24. 10. 2017 Freedom to work on our own ideas - that is one of the best things about working at Sygic. So far, we have come up with more than 120 ideas that shaped Sygic over the last 5 years. 2700ml for a good cause 02. 02. 2016 A big thank you goes to all colleagues willing to roll up their sleeves for a good cause and donate blood.
Thumbs up for 26 colleagues who ran the ČSOB Marathon 04. 04. 2016 There were more than 11 000 runners from 39 countries registered at the 11th ČSOB Marathon, organized in Bratislava, Slovakia. The weather was beautiful - close-to-perfect running conditions for our 26 runners, competing in 4 categories.
10th Innovation Day 24. 10. 2017 Freedom to work on our own ideas - that is one of the best things about working at Sygic. So far, we have come up with more than 120 ideas that shaped Sygic over the last 5 years.
2700ml for a good cause 02. 02. 2016 A big thank you goes to all colleagues willing to roll up their sleeves for a good cause and donate blood.