It is unbelievable that we’ve already wrapped up our 11th Innovation Day. One could say that such a regular event cannot be surprising anymore. But we again proved that there always is space for innovation and that we can come up with many ideas that have the potential to make it into the product and eventually to our customers. However, we first need to convince our fellow colleagues.
So how did these two days actually look like?
We started to come up with the topics a few days in advance so that everyone had time to think their ideas through and find the right people to join their team. At the end, we created 17 teams, some even signed up to multiple teams.
On Thursday, we lauched the day by sharing breakfast and some basic organizational info. Some started to debate passionately even before the official opening.

Boosted with their morning coffee, the teams began to brainstorm and create tasks. The work could begin.
Oh wait, let’s not not forget about our new T-shirts!

With full tummies and new tees, we started designing and creating new cool functionalities or improving the existing ones. Simply, everyone had the opportunity to put aside their ordinary work for a couple days and devote themselves to a project that interested them or was in their heads already for some time.

In the evening, we all gathered in the kitchen, because, really, who would resist the amazing smell? Programmers' classics: pizza and Kofola.

Friday morning. Nice and peaceful. Pancakes, coffee,... the best start of the day you can imagine. But then the furious running aournd the place started, as everyone was looking for the last missing pieces of their presentation, fixing some last hidden bugs or making some minute improvements.

There was not much time left as the presentations started at 2pm.

Every team presented their ideas, prototypes, or even complete solutions, whether in the form of live demos, videos, or even trailers and commercials. The colleagues tried everything to convince us that we should vote for their idea. And then it came.
We swear by our old school voting method with ping-pong balls. No one really has the guts to run an electronic vote in a company with 80 potential hackers...

And then came a quick (but accurate) counting to finally let everyone know who was the winner.

The die has been cast and the first three teams could be announced. We even had two teams in second place.

Thanks for the incredible atmosphere, the teams for their work and all the ideas! We will definitely hear about many of them…
And this is our winning team:
The boys came up with an idea that would allow our GPS Navigation to expand with the social and community aspect.
The next Innovation Day is planned for the fall. Do you want to be a part of it?