Maintaining the company culture has become a bit harder in these unusual times . For couple of months, we've switched into fully remote mode - not only IT engineers but also the whole HR and Operations Team. We adjusted priorities, managed to go on with regular meetings, and maybe became even more effective at times. However, one question remained: how to keep the team spirit alive and create space for an informal chat while working remotely?

The answer, we decided to find out with our HR team. In IT company it is likely the most of the people used to be, is or becomes gamers. To play, to have a good laugh and to step out of one's comfort zone is right for your health and your brain! Therefore we organised online games challenge to practice logical reasoning and memory, but also, to enjoy a bit different video call than usual. There were three different games to play - Activities, Team Logical Problem, and General Knowledge Quiz. Each game had its own video call hosted by one of us HR girls.

Of course - winning is not everything, but still... ;) The winners and the ones who completed each game, got a special reward- custom made Sygic KeepCups.

And for the rest who still tried hard, we prepared Sygic branded recycled pencils and magnets.

It was just a pilot, and not the whole company attended, but it got very positive feedback. We managed to break the quarantine routine and made colleagues think out of the box. We will surely repeat this again - do you want to join us as a part of the team? Check our open positions!