Experiment tasks
SIZE: number of items included (8, 16, 23)
ITEM: 'unknown' if the tester was trying to find the item for the first time, 'known' if the tester was already trying to find the item in some of the previous tasks (has association)
POSITION: item position among the others. Can be top (first 20%), middle (20 – 80%) or bottom (last 20%)
TRAFFIC: tasks 15, 16, 17 were also testing traffic data association
(1) Let's start slowly, shall we? Find 'Tourist Attractions'.
Test introduction, no particular result anticipated

(2) Find 'Extensions'
Test introduction, no particular result anticipated

(3) Okay, now without hints ;) Do it as quickly as you can. Find 'Favorites'.
SIZE: 8 items, ITEM: unknown, POSITION: middle (20 – 80%)

(4) Find 'Parking'
SIZE: 8 items, ITEM: unknown, POSITION: top (first 20%)

(5) Find 'Favorites'
SIZE: 8 items, ITEM: known, POSITION: middle (20 – 80%)

(6) Find 'Contacts'
SIZE: 8 items, ITEM: unknown, POSITION: bottom (last 20%)

(7) It's just too easy for you. Switching to medium difficulty :) Find 'Home'.
SIZE: 16 items, ITEM: unknown, POSITION: top (first 20%)

(8) Find 'Work'
SIZE: 16 items, ITEM: unknown, POSITION: bottom (last 20%)

(9) Find 'City Guides'
SIZE: 16 items, ITEM: unknown, POSITION: middle (20 – 80%)

(10) Find 'Home'
SIZE: 16 items, ITEM: known, POSITION: middle (20 – 80%)

(11) OK. Difficulty level: Brutal! Remember, as quickly as you can ;) Find 'Shopping'.
SIZE: 23 items, ITEM: unknown, POSITION: middle (20 – 80%)

(12) Find 'Accommodation'
SIZE: 23 items, ITEM: unknown, POSITION: bottom (last 20%)

(13) Find 'Transportation'
SIZE: 23 items, ITEM: unknown, POSITION: top (first 20%)

(14) Find 'Accommodation'
SIZE: 23 items, ITEM: known, POSITION: middle (20 – 80%)

(15) Find 'Home'
SIZE: 23 items, ITEM: known, POSITION: top (first 20%), TRAFFIC included

(16) Find 'Work'
SIZE: 23 items, ITEM: known, POSITION: bottom (last 20%), TRAFFIC included

(17) Find 'Car Location'
SIZE: 23 items, ITEM: known, POSITION: middle (20 – 80%), TRAFFIC included